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Straw dryer

Сушилка для соломы

NPK ENERGOTEK LLC designs and manufactures drying drums  of various modifications, and, drying units of other designs (aerodynamic (vortex, aerofontane, fluidized bed, with full removal), belt, conveyor), for drying straw and other similar materials, with a capacity of 500 kg to 10 tons of straw per hour .

Depending on the needs of the customer, as well as the size of the straw (chopped into 10-30 mm or 50-100 mm or a solid stem (300-1000 mm)), various straw dryers are used. For chopped straw, the classic convection type dryer is better suited. Slightly worse - aerodynamic drying units. And for straw with a solid stem, a tumble dryer, like an aerodynamic dryer, is not suitable. In such a case, it is best to use a belt dryer or a conveyor dryer . For more information on belt and conveyor dryers, see the relevant sections.


The drum straw dryer is a classic drying unit. Please do not confuse with ABM, which is not very suitable for drying straw (since it is less economical (more energy intensive) than convection dryers). The main advantage of the convection-type drying units that we produce is their versatility . In a drum dryer for straw, it is possible to dry raw materials of almost any size from 0.5 mm to pieces of 50-100 mm in size, and with an initial moisture content of 20 to 70%. Final humidity - 8 - 15% (the required percentage of humidity is set at the request of the customer).


It should also be understood that the larger the straw is cut, the worse the drying will be. All other things being equal - a drum of the same size, heat generator power, drying temperature, on coarsely chopped straw, the productivity will be 10-25% lower than on finely chopped ones.

Our tumble dryers for drying straw are mainly aggregated with solid fuel heat generators (wood burning stoves, coal stoves, wood chip stoves). It is also possible to use heat generators running on gas or liquid fuel at the request of the customer.

The most easy-to-maintain and economical heat generators are firewood / coarse chips. They are not subject to automation, and require constant monitoring - the presence of a stoker is a must. On such heat generators the lowest cost of drying is obtained - and this is the main advantage of a wood-fired heat generator.


If you are a supporter of full automation of production, then a heat generator on finely chopped chips (10-20-30 mm, no more) is more suitable for you. True, the automation of the process does not lead to the complete removal of people from the fuel supply process. All the same, an apparatchik is required who will monitor the operation of the fuel supply systems and remove ash. But at the same time, automatic fuel supply is very expensive for many customers.


When using a wood-fired heat generator or a wood chip heat generator, it is necessary to constantly monitor the moisture content of the incoming firewood, chips, otherwise the required  thermal power for the drying process will be impossible. It also requires a permanent large warehouse for firewood and a firewood preparation area (unloading, sawing, sorting). For example, for a heat generator with a capacity of 1-1.5 MW, the required amount of firewood is 25-38 cubic meters of straw per day, which is equivalent to one wagon. Thus, it turns out that, depending on the wishes and needs of the customer, the type of heat generator used is not always obvious.  


  1. Contrary to the established prejudices, rumors, according to pseudo-specialists, it is drying in a classic drying drum in 1 pass with a decrease in moisture, for example, from 20-30 to 8-10%, that is the most economical. Compared to aerodynamic dryers of both drum type (AVM-0.65, AVM-1.5) and tubular (Chinese coils), a standard drum consumes significantly less electricity per 1 ton of dry product than the others. Estimated energy savings in comparison with other types of drying units common in Ukraine will amount to UAH 60-70 per 1 ton of dry raw materials.

  2. In addition to the heat generator, for the operation of the drying drum, a smoke exhauster is required, which ensures the suction of the necessary air for combustion, its passage through the drying drum, cyclone and the evacuation of evaporated moisture. For each capacity in tons per hour, taking into account the moisture content of the material at the entrance and exit from the drying drum, a smoke exhauster is specially calculated, designed and manufactured with the required parameters.

  3. The third necessary element for the correct management of the drying process of materials is the presence of a dust-precipitating cyclone . The cyclone parameters depend on the performance of the drying drum, the amount of moisture removed from the material, the type of heat generator. Therefore, in each individual case, depending on the configuration, we select the cyclones individually.


When buying drying equipment from our company  we provide all the necessary documents - a data sheet, an operation manual, installation and aggregation schemes with feeding and unloading material. We also provide any feasible advisory assistance in the preparation of project documentation for coordination with government agencies.

Warranty - 24 months.

After the end of the warranty - discount service.

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